From Kimono, through #KimOhNo, to Skims: A branding nightmare for Kim Kardashian
#KimOhNo became a symbol of the backlash to Kim Kardashian’s attempt to register a trademark for her new line of shape wear, Kimono.
Adding a class to your Chinese trademark application incurs an additional cost based on the number of items (goods or services) included in that class. The basic fee for trademark registration in China is ¥300 (approximately $47) per item. An extra ¥30 (approximately $4) is charged per additional item in the same class.
Note that the price for an additional trademark class is determined by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and is subject to change.
Is it worth registering a trademark with a high chance of rejection?
Should I proceed with trademark registration if my mark has a high chance of refusal?
Can I change the ownership details of my trademark after filing?
Is there an extra fee when filing a trademark on the use-in-commerce basis?
What sales do I need to make to satisfy the in-commerce requirement?
What are the risks if there are similar trademarks registered?
What spectrum does the USPTO use to evaluate distinctiveness?
Is there any benefit with registering both word and logo trademarks?
Does the choice of font impact the registration of a word mark?
Our team of experienced trademark attorneys is here to help you! Simply send us an email outlining your request and we'll be happy to assist you.